Our Logo


The Logo of the School reflects the philosophy behind the establishment of the school. At the bottom is an open book, in the middle a rose and at the top, the broad visage of a grown up individual. The open book signifies the importance of acquiring knowledge and skills. It is expected to result in blossoming of the tiny tots (signified by the rose) in to higher state of physical and mental development (visage of grown up an individual).

In other words, the school expects to shape the personality of the children by their acquiring knowledge and skills, ready to face the challenges of an increasingly complex and competitive world.

The Motto

The motto of the school ---- Value, Vision, Vigour ---- is written at the top of the logo. The three V’s have been conceived as under:


All activities of the school will be geared to enable the child to embrace the values traditionally emphasized in Indian Thought, Culture and ethos. On the whole, the school shall Endeavour to make the child a good human being, a useful member of the society.


The school shall constantly endeavor to develop in its children and staff, the vigour or forcefulness of the purpose, mental effort and overall physical well- being.


Vision represents the ability to look ahead into the future, the ability to face the challenges of competitive life ahead. This skill can be attained by acquiring the necessary knowledge and understanding, and by keeping abreast with the latest developments in science and information technology. The children will be encouraged to explore, experiment and to innovate. The overall aim is to develop in the child an insight in to the future and a broad view and understanding of life, essentially needed to face the wide world ahead.